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Six Diligence 2010

Saturday, February 28, 2009 ; JOURNAL

I am looking forward to the next friday. Because tomorrow there is SOCCER LEAGUE. Last week we played with SNOW KIDZS, HARDY BOYS and GINGER CRAKERS. SNOW KIDZ and HARDY BOYS beat us 3-1 and 3-2.And the louset team of all was GINGER CRAKERS. Their team is made out of P3''s, but only 4 of them were here so to be fair we have to play with 4 players too. And even when it is goal kick it still can goal in the goalpost and we beat them 11-0.Mr Kirk said that in term 3 the P6's have to study for their PSLE and cannot play so I am looking to term 3 so I can win medals. The team we have made up is quite good so I think we can beat the P5 perserver teams. And I have won a silver medal last year. I saw the list and we are playing with the easy teams tomorrow and we can score a lot of goals and trash them.


posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Journal

The happiest day in the week is on Tuesday .Because last Tuesday I had a tournoment , and the school we fight was Poi Ching. Jin Jie was playing the first single and I was playing secong single. The person I played with was very good, the first set I won but the second and third set I lost but I was still very happy cause the third set the score was very close and I could almost win him. Esmond and chong ming was playing first single. Samuel and Roden was playing second single, and Roden's brother came to surport us. And the teacher bought us 100-plus too. Before we played we had to wait for very long before we could play. And there were a lot of school students playing with the courts and all of them were very strong. But the bad thing was all of us lost. But our coach told us that we played very well, and I look forward to the next compitition and hope we will win.


posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments


Hello, Please inform me in the class that who wants back the tag board and who doesn't...

For me, i wants... hehe -.-"
Zi Jun

posted by Zi Jun at | 0 Comments

; Peranankan meseum by Zi jun

This sunday, i went to the peranankan museum. When i stepped into the museum, I heard the chinese orchestra playing a piece of song. It was beauiful. Then around 3p.m. , my family and I followed a guide to bring us around. She was abit long winded, so i left the guide and explore on my own, I saw pins on the display shelve. It was about a hundred plus. I heared that it was for the wedding bride to wear. Means to say it is for the peranankan's wedding. Then have three necklace. One so thick, one so long, one normal. Then I think the bride very suffering... Because she like wear so heavy things... Maybe she 50kg then plus the acceseries equal may be 55kg liaoz.... What the underworld... Then about 3.30p.m. , they anounce the they borrow the statue from china the exhibition. Wah seh! The statue all buddah one. Nice leh! Some broken. So many parts lost liaoz... That day, i learnt alot from the museum...
Coments: Publish! Is it a tempurary museum? [ans] (No)
It sounds great. [Feelings] (I feel great too after i been there.)

posted by Zi Jun at | 1 Comments

Friday, February 27, 2009 ; HW

1) Spelling (Learn)
2) Maths WB P.g 87-92
3) SC Mind Map
4) Maths Weekly
5) Blue+Green Booklet
BY: Monitor

posted by 6 Diligence at | 2 Comments

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 ; Cbox Removal

Due to the continuous spamming, I'll have to remove the cbox.
The cbox is for you to ask questions (and chat if there's anyone online), not for you to spam and say nonsense.

Comment by clicking the comment link below the posts please.
I'll put the cbox back when you learn how to stop spamming.
Btw, Yun Ling, if you know how put it back help bahs :D I wait for you.

posted by `[x] imLYDIA {: ♥ at | 3 Comments

; my cuphea BY Nicholas

l (side view)
this is aupsidedownphoto of the plants the grls take care of l (top view)

these are the plants that the boys are talking of (sideview)

this is how dirty the plant Azril chose (botom view)

this isv apot

this is a plant
BY Nicholas

posted by 6 Diligence at | 3 Comments

; APBL Math Journal

Dear pupils,

Here's what I expect for the Math journal portion on "average"

If you want 4 out of 5 marks, you MUST have the following:

1) What does the average temperature represent?

2) How can we make use of the average temperature?

3) What does the average temperature tell us about Temperature A and B.

If you want 5 out of 5, include examples on how the average temperature can be used to guide you in improving the conditions of Hortus Eliascus.

Hint#1: How does the average temperature affect your decision in improving Hortus Eliacus?

Hint#2: If your research on Plant A tells you that it needs 28 degree Celcius to grow well, how does the average temperature help you?

Posted by Mr Wan

posted by Allan at | 0 Comments

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 ; Journal Entry

18 February 2009

PE as usual again, now I will skip to Tuesday.

Actually the Animation Module will end next week. We have done five over six of the animation we are making. Our animation was about this boy call Tom, he went out to the house to play with his water gun. He saw a ant hill and shot at it. The ants had a meeting and they decided to make a ants pistol themselves. They formed into a pistol and shot red ants. Tom was so frightened that he ran away. After that the ants celebrated.

On Wednesday today, we went to the computer lab and Mr Wan taught us how to use "Adobe Photo Shop". My father said it is very expensive. In "Adobe Photo Shop", we can write words in it and even make the face look disfigured!

Anyway, I can't wait for tomorrow to get my guitar and learn how to play with it. My friend said that we had to sing while we played the guitar. We have to remember the five strings too!

Yi Wei

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Hw

ABPL Situational Writing
Maths Weekly
No More :)
By: Jonathan

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Pictures on the Plants

Dear pupils,

Here are the pictures for the plants.

Top view of the girls' Cuphea
Front view of the girls' Cuphea
Top view of the boys' Cuphea
Front view of the boys' Cuphea

Posted by Mr Wan

posted by Allan at | 0 Comments

Monday, February 23, 2009 ; A soccer match

Yesterday, we had a soccer match between 5 Diligence and 5 Courage. The match was held at our school field at 3.30p.m. to 4.30p.m.. It was a close match. In the first match, we had a freekick. Yi ze took the freekick and suddenly , he kicked the ball and it went straight to the back of the net! It was a magnificent goal . The score now was 1-0. Soon after, Courage came and kicked the ball into the net and they scored. Now the score was 1-1. After that I forgotten what happened. The next match, Courage placed in a lousy goalkeeper. So my team kept on scoring until it was more than 4-0. The next match was when I scored. I went forward and when Wei Song (I am not sure it is really him) came and kicked the ball high but towards me , I kicked it. Though it was quite a slow ball as I did not hit it with my foot and instead it hit my shin's, the goalkeeper still did not catch it.

Ryan Sng

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; why i'm late

i was late because i forgot to print out the APBL info on fri,sat and sun. i woke up at my usual time 6.45 a.m. and then took my shower. than i remembered my info. i went to print it. when i went to print it , my printer suddenly didn't work. i took some time to try to fix it but before i knew it it was 7.22 a.m.

I sorry mr wan. i promise that i will not do it again...

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Why i'm late for school (111 words)

Mr Wan,
I'm sorry i'm late today .
I went to school at the same time as everyday but probably its because i had to put my bag in class and i walked too slowly so i was late.
I know this is a very very bad reason but that is true.
I hope ur not angry with me and i hope you will forgive me.
I will wake up earlier every morning in order not to be late.
I will walk briskly up to the hall and not walk like a snail.
I will try my very best not to be late again but if so, i will have a better reason.

Yun Ling

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Why i am late - de kai

Dear Mr.Wan,
I am late because i have to wait for my father to fetch me to school.On my way to the classroom, I did not know that if i need to sit in the APBL group or my normal group. Andrew said sit in normal group while Roy said sit in APBL group.I did not know who to listen. That is why i am late.

By: De Kai

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Answers for Math Weekly

Dear 5D pupils,

The answers are as follows:

Posted by Mr Wan

posted by Allan at | 1 Comments


Sorry I am late for school:(
I felt sick in the morning:(
That's why I am late...:(
But i came before 7.20...:(

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Friday, February 20, 2009 ; hw


eng green & blue booklet, whole thing ( week 9 pass up )
APBL Project...( research)
due on monday i think
i think that is all.....
i may be wrong !!! but nvm...
++++mt or cme hw if u hav++++++++

posted by....sherrell kong

Science mindmap & Health Ed workbook too! (by yun ling --and soz sherrell ~lol~)

posted by 6 Diligence at | 4 Comments

; Sci Garden

I feel excited and happy about this week because to the Science garden.We went there to learn more about ferns.I learnt that 1 fern can roughly produce 750000 spores.It was cool!!!!!!!Each of the group was given a magnifying glass.When I magnify the spores on the under side of the fern,the spores was actually brown powder.When the spores are brown,they are ripe so thay can be carried by the wind to be reproduce.Fungi and moss also reproduce from spores.Sometimes,fungi can also grow on skin,ew that disgusting!!!They are feeding on the dead skin cells on our body.

Beatrice Ng

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Esmond's Journal

This Tuesday, 17/2/09, I played in the Friendly Soccer Match against 5 Courage. I played every match as a goalkeeper and half of the last match as a defender with Sherrell. I let away a total of 6 goals and Yi Ze, who took over me at the second half of the match , let away 1 goal. One of the goals that I let away was when Ryan wanted to clear the ball but he kicked the air and I could not react fast to it, so the ball slipped through my arms and went in. Another one is when we are not ready, the Courage pupils started to kick the ball and scored when the other teammates and I was not ready. Another one is a terrible mistake by me. I thought there was no one marking the person in the box . So I came out of the goalpost a bit and wanted to block the cross. But as the cross came in, I did not block it but it was pushed to the back of the net by me. How terrible! However, we still won 3 of the matches, drawn 1 and lost 1. I hope there will be more of these coming up.

Comments: Publish! You are a great goalkeeper! You blocked my shots? Hehehe

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Wei Song's Journal

Today our teacher talked to the whole Primary 5 about Habits Of Mind in the AVA room. It was quite fun when we played Pass The Message. In the end, our class's boy got the worst. Amien keep on coughing while he was telling me the answer. We got a very funny answer which is " I do, I do, I do, I don't know." I really do not how it got mixed up. Then, we need to decorate a vanguard sheet with pieces of paper about this week's Habit Of Mind. I could not think of what to write but luckily, the session ended and i could heave a sigh of relief. We still neeed to go home and decorate the piece of paper.

Comments: Publish! I didn't know Amien was the black sheep. Hahaha! Baaah! Baaaaah!

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Thursday, February 19, 2009 ; homework

maths activity book-activity 3.4 ( no using calculator !! )
green booklet(yun ling added)
english ws pg-41 and 42
all due tmr

art-economic defence
due: next thursday (next art lesson)
mt hw if u hav

Finish all english booklets by week 9 if im not wrong.
Science mindmap-sc journal (due monday i think)
(added by yun ling)

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 ; homework


maths activity book, activity 3.3 [ i dunno if need 2 do or not]
and english if u did not finish
++++ mt hw if u hav ++++

posted by...............sherrell

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 ; homework

17 feb 2009

skin ws
tiny paper ( maths)
english comprehension ( purple booklet ) ( prac 1 & 2 )
Find a photo of a HUMAN !!!!!
all due tmr

++++++ your mt hw if u have !!!++++

specially for : andrew, yi wei, javon, peh shin and lydia ( the ones who did not find out meaning for the practices in the vocab): remember 2 find out the meanings in the vocab booklet ( blue ) adn make sure u noe all of them....mdm maisarah is gonna test u....( due tmr )

posted by: who do u think ????

sherrell ( thinking that is jonathan ???)

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Monday, February 16, 2009 ; Homework

Homework 16 feb 2009

English Green and Blue Booklet, All Practice 5 & English Vocab Practice 4 must find out meaning!
tmr hand up
Maths TB, PG 44 and 45, questions 8 to 14
tmr hand up
health edu skin ws
next health edu lesson hand up
maths tiny little ws
wed hand up
tat's all people...... and mt hw if u hav.... if u wan more ask mr wan 4 more...
posted by, sherrell......

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Sunday, February 15, 2009 ; Total Defence Day

Dear pupils,

Here are the pictures taken on Friday, two days before Total Defence day.

Noel giving the answer for 1+1.
Yurong showing her choice of house - the mangrove swamp at Sungei Api Api
Lydia scratching her head over what to buy.
Jin Jie advertising for Colgate Toothpaste.
Yun Ling caught with her Pink Dolphin bottle.
Brendon happy with his purchase of his 50" LCD TV.
Andrew pracitising squatting in front of advertisements.
Hannah working hard to save money.
Ivan and Gerald discussing on which job to pick up.
Cherilyn explaining jobs to desperate job-seekers.

Posted by Mr Wan

posted by Allan at | 0 Comments

; Road Safety Park Trip

Dear 5D pupils,

These are pictures taken at the Road Safety Park.

Everybody's going to Oz. Let's walk on the Golden Path!
Tan Chong Bridge of Safety. Miss Go and Miss Tay are collecting bridge tolls.
Nissan Building... that has no Nissan cars.
A police officer signing signature at a bus stop.
You'll never see this at another bus stop.
Honk! Honk! Actually the go-karts have no horns.
Don't you find the zebra crossing too skinny?
The students are fighting for shade, nutrients, water and space.
Sherrell being eyed by a police officer.
He thought that her legs were too short for go-karting.
Sherrell hiding her face in embarrassment after being fined.

Posted by Mr Wan

posted by Allan at | 0 Comments

; Team of January!

Dear pupils,

The team for the month January is Jaws!

The winning team, Jaws, flashing a smile.
Jinjie and Justin discussing where the jester could be.
The team that won Anyting: Bermuda Triangle!

Posted by Mr Wan

posted by Allan at | 0 Comments

Saturday, February 14, 2009 ; Homework

Sorry ahs yesterday I so tired so rested for quite some time
Anyway here is the HW
Maths WB page 51-54
Monday hand in
Maths weekly
Thursday hand in
Anti-drug essay printed out with written piece stapled
Monday hand in
Buy Handbook
Tuesday checking
I think thats all
POSTED BY:erm.... Me?(Jonathan)

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments


I'm feeling so bored I'm alone
during valentine's day.
Could you pls play wth me???


posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments


Yun Ling,I saw u but u never see me
I hiding from you!I look odd in that
stupid brown colour so-called shirt
right???Hat as well...BUT NO LESSON
HELP ME:'(blah blah


posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Xi'an trip

I feel happy and excited about that week bacause I am been chose by the school to gp to Xi'an,China.30 pupils are chosen and 4 teachers will be going with us.Hui Ling is one of the lucky pupils been chose and I will parther her.I feel very elated and nervous whe I heard the great news.I couldn't believe my ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!The teacher said that we will be going from 11 march to 20 march.The first 5 days we will be going to some historical museums.I will be taking some photos to show the class what xi'an islike!!!I sure the trip is going to be very FUN!!!!!!!!!!!

Beatrice Ng:)

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Friday, February 13, 2009 ; Justin's journal (Many things)

Hello!Today , Ryan told me about the Courage vs Diligence soccer match. He told me that Mr wan fell down on the grass and his leg bled. He tackled a lot of times, and for the matches, Diligence won 2 matches and Courage won 1 match. It was a last minute goal.(sian!:{o) But, Mr Wan said that although we won, (cheers) Mr Wan said it is not a matter of winning followed by boasts, but it is a matter of the fun and the sportsmanship. When Mr Wan taught us that Adobe photoshop is easy to use, I had a hard time doing the words and the 3-D outlook. On Wednesday, we had very little homework that I took only half an hour to complete them. (only Journal) Okay, I wish everyone in 5Diligence good health and luck! Goodbye!

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Justin's journal (road safety park)

Go carts are fun! We went to the road safety park and it was soooo fun! As my mother was a parent volunteer, Mr Wan let me ride the Go cart! When he asked me to choose one cyclist from my friends list, everybody rushed over and just kept saying, "I'm your best friend!" (they were Roy, Gerald, Peh Shin, Ryan, Andrew, Esmund, Noel, Amien and Yiwei.) I just shouted, "Ayah,ayah! Keep quiet lah!" I started doing the mini, mine, mini more, and ended up choosing Ryan and Amien. But Mr Wan only wanted one cyclist. He said he preferred Ryan and chose him. The Go cart was hard to pedal, especially after you stop. I wasted too much time searching for SBS transit's parking slot. At one point of time, I looked to the left and noticed that most of the pedestrians had completed the challenge. When time was up, I still had five more stops. I even had nine demerit points. After school, Mcdonald sponsored five boxes of coke to the entire P5!(each box had 60 cups of coke, so 60x5=300 cokes?!!!)The coke was nice, but regardless of all the hardship I went through to pedal the Go cart, I still like riding it as it is comfortable leaning back and riding.

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Thursday, February 12, 2009 ; Homework

Home work in:
Maths Lets Find Out 2 and Recall 3
Tmr hand up
Maths Journal Corrections
Tmr hand up
Science WB pg 11
Tmr hand up

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 ; Deserving Leaders in Jan

Dear pupils,

I guess I may not be clear why I address these following monitors as the deserving leaders in Jan.

Here are the reasons:

Zi Jun and Lydia
For keeping maintaining this blog as well as ensuring that the Computer Labs are in tiptop conditions. I know it's not easy but you girls are making it look easy!

For updating the attendance, being pro-active in collecting forms and keeping me updated on class issues and collection of forms and money.

For being a very active monitor and showing the class that he's very willing to dedicate his efforts to the class. A very trustworthy monitor.

For volunteering to help me in setting AV and IT equipment in class despite me not asking for help and asking me whether I need help constantly.

Jia Yuan and Wei Song
For keeping track of library books and comics and staying back in class almost everyday just to let the pupils borrow and return books.

For being an active prefect, doing extra prefectorial duties as well as carrying out an active role in the group, almost like a group leader. Thankfully, Hazim, the new leader, has been doing a good job to relieve her of further workload.

These leaders earn themselves the privilege of borrowing one more book and of course the group points awarded earlier in Feb.

Keep up the great job!

Best wishes,
Mr Wan

posted by Allan at | 0 Comments

; Homework

Homework go do........
Maths 2.8 Workbook
Art check for magazines and cut out for reference Tomorrow
And one more... Journal( Written by Esmond. ( P/S:Only this sentence.))

AND Health ED Skin WORKSHEET!!! (BY YUN LING-this sentence)

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 ; Homework

Ok heres the HW:
Maths tiny paper to be pasted in maths journal and done
TMR Hand up
Erm... What else....
Oh ya the HE project on how germs spread some poeple have not done TMR must show to Mdm Aini

(Written by Zi Jun(p.s. onli this sentence))

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Monday, February 9, 2009 ; Journal

I felt boring this week because we had nothing to do and all we do is homework, homework and HOMEWORK. Fortunately, Mr Wan came to the rescue. He make studying very fun by teaching us special ways of doing math. I think Mr Wan is a smart person because all the way he use had came to me before. As for Mdm Maisarah, people like Brendon alway get in trouble with her by not doing homework and even not doing reflection! He got his point deducted and letting us win the game. Anway we have the highest points so far. Talking about Mdm Aini, we saw her once a week, so sad... she teaches us Health Education in a fun way, and let us use the activote first. But anyway, I still fill boring this week...
Comments : Publish !
Is your Modular CCA boring as well?
Feeling bored can zap away lots of learning.Let me see if I can make lessons more interesting.

Done By : Roy

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Homework

Today's homework:
Maths WB 2.7
TMR Handup
English WS Pg. 33-35
TMR Handup
Erm....... I dunno liao leh.
Nvm and do your chinese homework

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Friday, February 6, 2009 ; homework

homework 6 feb 2009

homework :
science workbook page 9 and 10 all questions !!!
due date: 9 feb 2009
maths workbook activity 2.6
due date: 9 feb 2009
english vocabulary , practice 2
due date: 9 feb 2009
english vocabulary cloze, practice 2
due date: 9 feb 2009
english graphic stimulus, practice 2
due date: 9 feb 2009
english grammar, practice 2
due date: 9 feb 2009

and... chinese homework if you have !

posted by: Sherrell

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Zhi Shuang's Journal ( Road Sfty Park)

On this Monday, my class and I went to Road Safty Park. I had lots of fun there. When my teacher choose the driver and the cyclist, he didn't chose me. I wasn't very disappointed because I could still be a pedestrian. We went to a room and watch a film. After watching, we started our journey. I went with Jia Yuan because our routes are the same. After completing my first task, I realised that the Park was big. I nearly got confused with the map. Jia Yuan told me where I was and we continued walking. After completing,we queued up to pass up our paper. Unfortunately, I was the 26th person. And they only accept the first 25 persons. I felt disappointed because I can't earn any points for my group. I had an enjoyable time there and I hope the could open to public so every one can have a fun time there too.

Comments : Nope, They're not opening to the public but at least you've learnt something. ^_^

posted by Zi Jun at | 0 Comments

; Zhi Shuang's Journal

This week, we did lots and lots of work. there were also lots of homeworks too. On Tuesday, Mr Wan lets ur play a game. I think its called Jeopardy if I'm not wrong. We get to choose what topics we want and the amount of points we want. At the first round of the game, my group and I chose a words to number questions and it was 50 points. Ryan, Zi Jun and I got it correct but Nicholas got it wrong. Although Nicholas got wrong, we must not blame him. This game also teaches me to work in a group and not to blamepeople. I hope there were be more games like that.

Comments: It's nice to know that team spirit is strong within your group.
I'll see what games i can come out with. :)

By Zhi Shuang

posted by Zi Jun at | 0 Comments

Thursday, February 5, 2009 ; Homework

homework 5 feb 2009

english vocabulary practice 2
english vocabulary close practice 2
english graphic stimulus practice 2
english grammar practice 2
science workbook page 10 questions 1-3
maths textbook page 32 and 33 q 3-9 ( do in maths journal please !!! )

and mother tongue homework if u have !!! hahahahahaha

posted by : sherrell

p.s. for vocabulary booklet, please find out the meaning of the words THAT U DUNNO !!!

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 ;

Mr Wan, is it okay if I submit da form 4 da p5 parents workshop tommorrow?????

From:Noel lim

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Late 4 school

Sorry i am late for school,as that morning i felt a little dizzy so i slept more.My maid didn't wake me up too so when i woke up,it was already 6.45.I quickly rushed through breakfast and ran to school and i was late.So sorry mr wan hope you can forgive=(

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Homework

4 Feb 2009

Maths Workbook, Activity 2.5
Due Date: 5 Feb 2009
Due Date : 5 Feb 2009
English w.s. read textbook pg. 47, do w.s. pg 36
Due Date : 5 Feb 2009
Vocab Practice 1
Due Date: 5 Feb 2009
Vocab Close Practice 1
Due Date : 5 Feb 2009
Graphic Stimulus Practice 1
Due Date : 5 Feb 2009
Grammar Practice 1
Due Date : 5 Feb 2009
Sign Form
Due Date : 5 Feb 2009

Posted By: Sherrell Kong ( HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ) ( I am not crazy ! )

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 ; sorry Mr wan

Mr wan,

i'm sry i did'nt do the 4 operations bcause 4 the last question the multiplication n

division i dou no how 2 do.I will try 2 do the questions that i dou no


posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Homework

Homework For 3 Feb 2009

Maths Textbook, Pages 30 ( do in maths journal )
Due Date : 4 Feb 2009
English W.S. ( Gulliver's Travels), Pages 31 and 32
Due Date : 4 Feb 2009
English Comic ( Gulliver's Travels )
Due Date : 4 Feb 2009
The Pop Gutar Form
Due Date : 4 Feb 2009

AND.... Chinese homework if you have !!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Posted by : Sherrell Kong ( HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ) ( I am not crazy !!!!!!!!!! )

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Monday, February 2, 2009 ; Sorry Mr Wan

sorry MrWan i forgot to bring the form.i will try not to make
the same mistake again.sorry
by yiwei

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; sorry Mr Wan

Mr Wan

I did not write the four operations because i wasnt attentive. I promise to not make that mistake in the future.


posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

; Sorry

Dear Mr Wan

The reason I did not follow ur steps 4 the Maths WB is because I did not listen 2 ur instruction carefully in the com lab.Anyway, do we still nid 2 give u da Hong Pao?????

From Noel.

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments


Sorry Mr. Wan for not doing the four operations on the Math Workbook . I didn't know how to do the multiplication and the division, so I left it blank . Either way, I'll still write this post .
I will rack my brains more next time, hope you will forgive ;D

Lydia .

posted by `[x] imLYDIA {: ♥ at | 0 Comments


Dear classmates,

you must remember to WRITE YOUR NAME after writing something on this blog.


jin jie

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

Sunday, February 1, 2009 ; Homework on maths

Mr Wan,

I did not write the 4 operations of decimals(act 2.4) because the question is some tricky to me.It wrote that the 0 key is faulty.And it is also a prime number.I could not think of the multiplication and division operations.Sorry for not thinking hard enough.SORRY!!!!!!!!!!

Beatrice Ng

posted by 6 Diligence at | 0 Comments

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Taught by Mr Allan Wan .
Listened by 40 students .

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Cherilyn .
Lydia .
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Jonathan .

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Blogskin done by Lydia .

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