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Six Diligence 2010

Sunday, February 15, 2009 ; Road Safety Park Trip

Dear 5D pupils,

These are pictures taken at the Road Safety Park.

Everybody's going to Oz. Let's walk on the Golden Path!
Tan Chong Bridge of Safety. Miss Go and Miss Tay are collecting bridge tolls.
Nissan Building... that has no Nissan cars.
A police officer signing signature at a bus stop.
You'll never see this at another bus stop.
Honk! Honk! Actually the go-karts have no horns.
Don't you find the zebra crossing too skinny?
The students are fighting for shade, nutrients, water and space.
Sherrell being eyed by a police officer.
He thought that her legs were too short for go-karting.
Sherrell hiding her face in embarrassment after being fined.

Posted by Mr Wan

posted by Allan at


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