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Six Diligence 2010

Friday, February 6, 2009 ; Zhi Shuang's Journal

This week, we did lots and lots of work. there were also lots of homeworks too. On Tuesday, Mr Wan lets ur play a game. I think its called Jeopardy if I'm not wrong. We get to choose what topics we want and the amount of points we want. At the first round of the game, my group and I chose a words to number questions and it was 50 points. Ryan, Zi Jun and I got it correct but Nicholas got it wrong. Although Nicholas got wrong, we must not blame him. This game also teaches me to work in a group and not to blamepeople. I hope there were be more games like that.

Comments: It's nice to know that team spirit is strong within your group.
I'll see what games i can come out with. :)

By Zhi Shuang

posted by Zi Jun at


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