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Six Diligence 2010

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 ; Journal Entry

18 February 2009

PE as usual again, now I will skip to Tuesday.

Actually the Animation Module will end next week. We have done five over six of the animation we are making. Our animation was about this boy call Tom, he went out to the house to play with his water gun. He saw a ant hill and shot at it. The ants had a meeting and they decided to make a ants pistol themselves. They formed into a pistol and shot red ants. Tom was so frightened that he ran away. After that the ants celebrated.

On Wednesday today, we went to the computer lab and Mr Wan taught us how to use "Adobe Photo Shop". My father said it is very expensive. In "Adobe Photo Shop", we can write words in it and even make the face look disfigured!

Anyway, I can't wait for tomorrow to get my guitar and learn how to play with it. My friend said that we had to sing while we played the guitar. We have to remember the five strings too!

Yi Wei

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