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Six Diligence 2010

Saturday, February 28, 2009 ; JOURNAL

I am looking forward to the next friday. Because tomorrow there is SOCCER LEAGUE. Last week we played with SNOW KIDZS, HARDY BOYS and GINGER CRAKERS. SNOW KIDZ and HARDY BOYS beat us 3-1 and 3-2.And the louset team of all was GINGER CRAKERS. Their team is made out of P3''s, but only 4 of them were here so to be fair we have to play with 4 players too. And even when it is goal kick it still can goal in the goalpost and we beat them 11-0.Mr Kirk said that in term 3 the P6's have to study for their PSLE and cannot play so I am looking to term 3 so I can win medals. The team we have made up is quite good so I think we can beat the P5 perserver teams. And I have won a silver medal last year. I saw the list and we are playing with the easy teams tomorrow and we can score a lot of goals and trash them.


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