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Six Diligence 2010

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 ; Deserving Leaders in Jan

Dear pupils,

I guess I may not be clear why I address these following monitors as the deserving leaders in Jan.

Here are the reasons:

Zi Jun and Lydia
For keeping maintaining this blog as well as ensuring that the Computer Labs are in tiptop conditions. I know it's not easy but you girls are making it look easy!

For updating the attendance, being pro-active in collecting forms and keeping me updated on class issues and collection of forms and money.

For being a very active monitor and showing the class that he's very willing to dedicate his efforts to the class. A very trustworthy monitor.

For volunteering to help me in setting AV and IT equipment in class despite me not asking for help and asking me whether I need help constantly.

Jia Yuan and Wei Song
For keeping track of library books and comics and staying back in class almost everyday just to let the pupils borrow and return books.

For being an active prefect, doing extra prefectorial duties as well as carrying out an active role in the group, almost like a group leader. Thankfully, Hazim, the new leader, has been doing a good job to relieve her of further workload.

These leaders earn themselves the privilege of borrowing one more book and of course the group points awarded earlier in Feb.

Keep up the great job!

Best wishes,
Mr Wan

posted by Allan at


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