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Six Diligence 2010

Monday, February 9, 2009 ; Journal

I felt boring this week because we had nothing to do and all we do is homework, homework and HOMEWORK. Fortunately, Mr Wan came to the rescue. He make studying very fun by teaching us special ways of doing math. I think Mr Wan is a smart person because all the way he use had came to me before. As for Mdm Maisarah, people like Brendon alway get in trouble with her by not doing homework and even not doing reflection! He got his point deducted and letting us win the game. Anway we have the highest points so far. Talking about Mdm Aini, we saw her once a week, so sad... she teaches us Health Education in a fun way, and let us use the activote first. But anyway, I still fill boring this week...
Comments : Publish !
Is your Modular CCA boring as well?
Feeling bored can zap away lots of learning.Let me see if I can make lessons more interesting.

Done By : Roy

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