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Six Diligence 2010

Saturday, February 28, 2009 ; Peranankan meseum by Zi jun

This sunday, i went to the peranankan museum. When i stepped into the museum, I heard the chinese orchestra playing a piece of song. It was beauiful. Then around 3p.m. , my family and I followed a guide to bring us around. She was abit long winded, so i left the guide and explore on my own, I saw pins on the display shelve. It was about a hundred plus. I heared that it was for the wedding bride to wear. Means to say it is for the peranankan's wedding. Then have three necklace. One so thick, one so long, one normal. Then I think the bride very suffering... Because she like wear so heavy things... Maybe she 50kg then plus the acceseries equal may be 55kg liaoz.... What the underworld... Then about 3.30p.m. , they anounce the they borrow the statue from china the exhibition. Wah seh! The statue all buddah one. Nice leh! Some broken. So many parts lost liaoz... That day, i learnt alot from the museum...
Coments: Publish! Is it a tempurary museum? [ans] (No)
It sounds great. [Feelings] (I feel great too after i been there.)

posted by Zi Jun at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. What the underworld ?

February 28, 2009 at 12:39 PM  

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