Saturday, October 24, 2009 ; Blood Vessels
You only need to know what material the blood vessels carry, like those from the heart to the lungs and to other parts of the body and those from the lungs and other parts of the body to the heart. You need not know the function of artery, vein and capillary.
Basically, artery is blood vessel that transports blood from the heart. Most arteries carry oxygenated blood except the pulmonary artery or aorta which carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs.
Vein is blood vessel that transport blood to the heart. Veins usually carry deoxygenated blood, except the pulmonary vein which carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart.
Capillaries are just extremely narrow blood vessels that branch out from arteries and capillaries. They're like twigs that branch out from branches and stem of huge trees. It is semi-permeable so that food and oxygen and waste material like carbon dioxide can be exchanged with the tissue cells.Nothing about artery, vein, capillary and the picture below will be tested unless the question provides information.
posted by Allan at
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 ; Science Question
Michelle has emailed me regarding respiratory system of fish. The process (out of syllabus) goes like this:1) The mouth of fish opens to let water with dissolved oxygen enter.2) The gill cover opens (mouth closes) and water gushes out of the gills. As water gushes out, the gill filament (red area below the gill cover) absorbs the dissolved oxygen and releases carbon dioxide to the water.All you need to know is that fish breathes through gills and breathes in dissolved oxygen.Dissolved oxygen is formed when:1) Oxygen enters the water from the water surface. (Oil will prevent oxygen from dissolving into water from the surface)2) Water plants photosynthesize and give out oxygen to the water. Oxygen will then dissolve into the water.One thing you need to take note is that dissolved oxygen is not visible, meaning you will hardly notice much bubbles.Also, when fish breathes near the surface of the water, it is breathing in oxygen that dissolves at the surface of the water. It cannot breathe in atmospheric oxygen like humans can.As for circulatory system of fish, it is totally out of the syllabus. Like humans, fish has a heart to pump blood to enable gas exchange. Gas exchange is performed at the gill filaments (the red area when you lift up the gills of fish).Only those in bold and brown are in your syllabus. I hope the above information helps.
Posted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Thursday, October 15, 2009 ; Homework
Electricity Test PaperMath Practice 4 Paper 2My Pals Are Here Tests (Yellow Book)Tear out Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3Hand in test on Air and Respiratory System and put in my locker.That's all for the holidays.
posted by Allan at
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 ; Homework :]
Homework again :]
English Practice Paper 8
Due: Tomorrow, 15/10/09
English Comprehension Booklet Practice 10 or something.
Due: Tomorrow, 15/10/09
Science Practice Paper 2 Booklet B
Due: Tomorrow, 15/10/09
Another Science Paper we got back today
Due: Unknown
Um, I guess that's it.
If there's anymore to add on, just post in the comments. Thanks ^^
posted by `[x] imLYDIA {: ♥ at
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 ; Homework :]
Sorry for the late posting.
English Practice Paper 7
Due: Tomorrow, 14/10/09
English Practice Paper 8
Due: Thursday, 15/10/09 ( I guess )
English Comprehension Booklet Practice 8
Due: Thursday, 15/10/09 ( Haven't got back yet )
Math Practice Paper 3 ( Paper 1 Booklet A & B )
Due: Tomorrow, 14/10/09
Science Practice Paper 2 ( Booklet A )
Due: Tomorrow, 14/10/09
Science Practice Paper 2 ( Booklet B )
Due: Thursday, 15/10/09
So yea, I guess that's it.
Bye ^^
posted by `[x] imLYDIA {: ♥ at
Monday, October 12, 2009 ; Science Practices
This is a free online test portal for English, Math and Science.The science questions are similar to mine in process skills. Ignore the questions on Solar System and Simple Machine. Answers are at the bottom.Oldschool
I got a shock when I saw the similarity in difficulty. Some of the questions are harder there while some of mine are harder. They're good practices in general, real good.
Posted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Saturday, October 10, 2009 ; Plant Transport System
Michelle asked about the Plant Transport System which she has missed a few lessons in due to illness.Xylem = water-carrying tubePhloem = food-carrying tubeAs seen in the diagram on cross-section of a stem below, food-carrying tube is on the outside (nearer to the stem surface) while water-carrying tube is more interior.When a layer of the stem is cut off, usually the food-carrying tube is removed (common question in plants transport system). This will prevent food from the leaves above the cut area from transporting food to parts of the plants below the cut area.
If a thicker layer of the stem is cut off, water-carrying tubes will be cut off. This will prevent leaves from receiving water to make food and therefore, the plant will soon wither and die as there is no food made for respiration.
It is important to note that food-carrying tubes carry food to all parts of the plant from the leaves.On question 32c in your Science Practice 2B, my clue is "What is the function of leaves? If they're gone, what will happen?" and ignore the blue water. It got nothing to do with 32c anymore.Let me know which other areas you're not familiar with.
posted by Allan at
Friday, October 9, 2009 ; Respiratory System Concept Map
posted by Allan at
; Circulatory System
This is a summary on circulatory system. Let me know if that is enough. First of all, understand these points:- Carbon dioxide is considered a waste material.- It can only removed through blood in the lungs.
- Oxygen is essential from respiration, which involved the use of oxygen and food to convert to energy. Respiration can be carried out by different animal cells.- Oxygen can only be obtained from the blood in the lungs.- Oxygen is transported from the lungs to the heart and the heart will distribute the oxygenated blood to other parts of the body like our hands, legs, head, chest, etc.
Lungs - Exchange gases with blood from the heart. - Oxygen is carried by the blood that comes from the heart and goes to the heart.
- Carbon dioxide is removed from the blood that comes from the heart.Heart- Pumping action of heart results in our pulse rate (beats per minute).- Receives blood high in oxygen from the lungs and then distributes the oxygenated blood to other parts of the body so that respiration can be carried out.- Receives blood high in carbon dioxide from other parts of the body and then distributed blood low in oxygen and rich in carbon dioxide to the lungs for exchange of gases.Basically, the heart is like a bus terminal distributing appropriate blood to either the lungs or other parts of the body.Hope these notes help.
posted by Allan at
; Hui Xin's Journal
Today, I had taekwondo lessons again. It was very very fun. First, we had to do some warm-ups, then, stretching. I did not stretch properly and Sir Ryan had to press me onto the ground. It was painful. Yeah, and today Jeremy was not there. His sister said that he was very sleepy, so he didn't come. Then, we did the turning kick. We did it over and over again as my brother and my friend Roy (Not in 5D) did not understand. Then, we did our own pattern twice. Each belt has a different pattern. After we finished our pattern, Sir Mike called us to the front of the class and asked us to do the white belt pattern. Sir Ryan said that I was great, but my brother, not so. Then, I went for my break to drink water. Sadly, my belt is still white. After I take the grading on 3rd October, my belt colour would be still white, but it will have a yellow tip.
Comments: Publish! Good luck to you! By the way, is it norm to address taekwondo instructors with"Sir"?
posted by 6 Diligence at
Thursday, October 8, 2009 ;
Dear Mr Wan, I apologise for playing soccer during recess when I am curruntly wearing sandals in school. I have reflected on what I have done. Doing the wrong thing at the wrong time is what I should describe myself as. I had not been responsible by doing so. I should take proper care of myself in school. I have thought over about what I should do during recess like revising my homework, read a book and perhaps I could just talk to my friends. I am already missing a few of the physical education lessons on Mondays and the sportsday event is round the corner and I am afraid I may not be able to play because my skin allergy may last for quite some time. The chinese doctor told me that my body is very heaty and my body is unable to dispose the heatiness and warning signs is shown through my feet. The doctor also told me that she gave me medicine to dispose the heatiness of my body through feaces and my foot would heal from time to time and I really hope to heal faster because it is about the second time I got the skin allergy. The first experience took about half a year to recover. The doctor also told me that the moisture of my perspiration of my tos affected my foot too. I hope you can understand about my situation. Ivan Lim 5Diligence 7-10-2009
posted by 6 Diligence at
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 ; Model Pupils of September
This is the list of pupils who have done well in September:Justin, Yu Rong and MichelleYou're the best pupils of the month, having volunteered to bring joy to the autistic children at St Andrew's. That shows the level of maturity and kindness you have for children who do not have the ability to study like all of you do.Pei Qi, Jia Yuan, Nicholas and AmienFor helping up arrange the tables and chairs before PSLE Listening Comprehension, representing both your group and your class. I know it's a tough job and I appreciate that.Sherrell, Yu Rong (again), Beatrice, Ryan, Sabrina, Claudia, Esmond and Wei SongFor being great newscaster on the stage. You may not be the best but you've either shown me great attitude in planning or great composure on stage or even both. Great job, guys!Bryana, Claudia, Yi Ying, Michelle (again), Beatrice (again), Yun Ling, Lydia, Pei Qi (again), Sherrell (again), Yu Rong (again), Andrew, Jia Yuan (again), De Kai, Azril, Yi Wei, Noel, Peh Shin, Zhi ShuangFor scoring consistently high for Math tests with a minimum score of 56 out of 60 for both Angles and Triangles tests. Although Yi Wei has been reprimanded for Channel News Elias, we should not negate him for the hard work he has placed in for Math. Keep up the good job!Nicholas (again)For being pro-active as a AV Monitor. You'll always see him set up the AV equipment. If the AV equipment is a female, I'd have thought it's Nicholas' girlfriend. That's how close Nicholas is to the AV equipment.Special MentionEsmond (again)For helping up in the class so much, like being the first to volunteer for parent volunteer and Channel News Elias. I appreciate the effort of your emails informing me of mistakes in Math Weekly.Noel (again) For helping up in school events. This month has been particularly busy for you. I'm grateful that you're responsible to find out what you have missed in class.Zi Jun, Jin Jie, Yun Ling (again), Cassilda and Lydia (again)For keeping the blog alive with your tags, monitorings, comments and sometimes lame jokes haha.That's all for the month. I expect less blogging and more revising in October. Believe in yourself like how I've believed in you. You can make it to the top if you put your heart and mind into it.Best wishes,Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Monday, October 5, 2009 ;
This week, my CCA was still badminton. Our teacher accessed us on our lobbing, serving and receiving the shuttlecock using our backhand and forehand. But before we started our assessment, we got to practice first. Jia Yuan was before me when I was doing my assessment. When my turn came, I had to use my forehand to serve the shuttlecock. Luckily, I managed to serve. Then it was time to receive the shuttlecock using the fore or backhand. I didn't manage to receive any of the shuttlecock as the person had swing the shuttlecock TOO fast! So I failed :( But for my backhand, I managed to receive all the shuttlecocks so I passed. :) Now it was time for lobbing. I again didn't manage to serve the shuttlecock back as the guy SERVED THE SHUTTLECOCK TOOOO HARD AND TO FARRR!!! So I failed... AGAIN!!!!!!! :( After recess, we had our match again. Again, the first boy's match I didn't trash anyone but for the second boy's match I managed to trash one and the only one....:( probably I was toooooo tired after running during recess.
posted by 6 Diligence at
This week, during modular cca. We learnt more about silat. We learnt how to do the t-kick otherwise known as the side kick. We also practised our punches and front kick. The side kick was abit hard as we had to turn our feet to get a farther kick. But when youturn your feet, it causes friction and your feet will be very pain. My kick too was abit weak. I kept on pactising and finally I got the hang of it and I started doing better. Afte recess, we played game with the side kick. the master wanted to test our speed. So he asked a few pupils to try and kick the punching bag as fast as they could. I hope my kick gets better.
Posted by,
Ryan Sng
posted by 6 Diligence at
This week, during our animation lesson, we made a story to make our animation. Our story is about a red fluffy, who was trapped in a maze. After struggling for a while, it met a green fluffy. They both quarrelled as they were different in colour. Eventually they went seperate ways. Soon, they decided that they cannot survive alone int he maze and so they decided to work together. After thinking awhile they decided to stand on each others shoulder's to see where the exit is. Soon they found their way out. After his icncident, they became best friends. The NE message in this animation is we must preserve racial and religious harmony
Posted by
Ryan Sng
posted by 6 Diligence at
Thursday, October 1, 2009 ; Happy Children's day
posted by Zi Jun at