I've been looking through Popular Bookstore and these are the books I'd recommend since some of your parents asked about assessment books.
First of all, for those who do not like reading My Pals are Here Science textbooks, here are some good textbooks I recommend. Try browsing before buying. Personally, I think it's better than both i-Science and My Pals are Here.
Perfect Match Science P5/6 System by Mathew Perfect Match Science P5/6 Cycle by Mathew Get the textbooks, not the activity books.
Science assessment books
Learning Science System and Cycles SAP around $9
A* Science Challenge, ACE publication, Tan Li Ling. I've been using this book for years as it's the best in process skills. But it is not by topics. It is by process skills. Browse before making the decision to buy. Around $8.05
Science Companion by Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd. This is made up of a set of 4 books. Around $16.90. You can use this till P6.
Mathematics assessment books
Challenging 4 in 1 Maths by Dawn Tai. This is a good practice book. Around $6.95
Problem Solving Made Easy by Tan Li Ling and Teo Chee Kian, ACE Publishing. Around $15.85. Good for those who want to score above 90
Casco Step by Step Mathematics 5. Around $7.70.
i-Excel Heuristics and Model Application Level 5 by Fan Learning. Around $8.80.
The rest are not so bad but these are the few I think will help you guys.
Hey CLass.. I have a news for you.. please take note that the A.P.B.L that mr wan said to be our holiday project is not at june.. Silly mr wan.. :P any how say it is our holiday project... Btw he also never give rubrics wat.. how do.. anyway.. one project gone.. now.. focuse on Health edu project... -Zi Jun [p.s. Red rox!]