Thursday, April 30, 2009 ; Condensation
Dear pupils,I've mentioned that condensation is the hardest section in the topic "water".Some of you are still shaky over the concept. I'll just places a few notes about condensation here:1) Condensation is the process whereby warmer water vapour becomes tiny water droplets on a colder surface.2) Condensation happens at any temperature. The bigger the difference in temperature between water vapour and the cold surface, the higher the rate of condensation (more water droplets)3) Condensation involves heat lost by water vapour to the cold surface.4) Condensation involves the change of state of water from gas (water vapour) to liquid (tiny water droplets).5) Water vapour and steam cannot be seen. They are colourless.6) The white mist we see coming out of kettle with boiling water or the breath of people in very cold countries are actually water droplets, not steam or water vapour.7) The white mist comes from water vapour which condensed to form water droplets in the air. The tiny water droplets is also evaporating very rapidly to the atmosphere.8) Clouds are formed from condensation. So, clouds are made up of tiny water droplets.
Ask me questions on water or other Science related topics under "comments" if you have any.
Posted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 ; HW
hw for today
1) Sign Maths Test And Science Test
2) Maths practice paper booklet A and B
3) MT HW (if u have)
posted by: Pei Qi
4. Journal (:
Added by Lydia ;p
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Pei Qi's Journal
How scary! Now I know I have a very bad stage fright! Today, my friends and I went up to stage to tell my other friends about our trip to Xi’an. Before today, we have made many preparations for this “Big Day”. We have to stay back in school to rehearse the presentation. Before I am up on stage, I did not know it was so scary, because last time we have orchestra performance before. But being on stage and talking through the mike is too scary for me. When I am up on stage, I keep on saying, “So Scary! So Scary!” when I am not speaking. I will never ever want to go up on stage again.
posted by 6 Diligence at
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 ; hw
maths activity book until page 81 !!!
no others...
good luck in yr exams !!!
i hate chinese !!!
posted by : sherrell
sorry a little late !
Added by Lydia :
Do compo. second draft (:
posted by 6 Diligence at
Monday, April 27, 2009 ; Zhi Shuang's Journal
Last week, I had my modular
CCA. it was still department skills. i learnt about hair products and body odour. let's start with hair products: deep conditioners are formulated to replenish moisture,restore strength and soothe roughed cuticles. Rinse through conditioners are the stand art partner products to shampoo. They are applied to the newly shampooed hair. body
odour a smell produced by a person's body
that many people find it unpleasant. body odour is caused by a natural process invading
sweat that occurs on the skin's surface. Sweat
elsewhere in the body is mostly salty water, which bacteria don't thrive on so easily. Young children rarely have body odour because the
specialised glands in the armpits and genital areas
don't become active until puberty. The teachers showed us some perfumes to be put on the armpits. I hope next week my teacher would teach us even more!
posted by Zi Jun at
; homework AGain..
here's the homework for today:
1)MA TB pg 127~128, Q8~13 (on foolscap!)
Due:Tue 28 Apr 09
2) Learn Ratio test
Due:Tue 28 Apr 09
3) Ma wb pg 55~65
Due:Tue 28 Apr 09
4) Anything extra?
Due: dunno... Paiseh... XP
This is ONLY 4 the four pupils:
1) Zi Jun
2) Lydia
3) Yi Ying
4) Michelle
These pupils, pls ask ur parents if you can join robotics and we will chat TOMORROW!
(the four pupils WILL chat tomorrow!)
ok... not sure... pls write if there is something wrong... just trying to help XP
posted by 6 Diligence at
Saturday, April 25, 2009 ; Lego Robotics Competition iPiC
Dear pupils,There is a Robotics Competition called Inter-Primary school Infocomm Challenge (iPiC) held in Raffles Institution on 1st and 2nd June.It will involve a Lego Robotics component and a Photoshop component. You'll be trained in Raffles Institution on 1st and 2nd June and also training by me before the competition.The training will be very intensive after exam. The training schedule is like to stretch from 18 to 22 May from 2pm to 5.30pm on Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri in either the computer lab or Robotics Room.More information on iPiC can be seen in If I'm not wrong, the prizes were iPods last year and winners from Elias Park last year (they got second place) got to keep their iPods. Participation for this competition is free-of-charge.Those involved in WRMC 09 competition will not be selected as the competition dates clash in the same week.However, I'm only opening the three vacancies to the following girls:1) Yiying2) Zijun3) Michelle4) Lydia5) Yun LingThese girls have been selected based on creativity, Mathematics and artistic abilities.I've already picked Gwyneth from 5C to participate in this team-of-four competition.Please check with your parents whether you can attend the training in June and May as stated above. I'll speak to Mrs Ravi regarding your Orchestra schedule. (I'm a good friend of Mrs Ravi hehehe)Post your reply under "comments".It'll be on a "First come, First serve" basis.Posted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Friday, April 24, 2009 ; Michelle's journal!
Today I am sooo happy! Because for NAPFA, 1.6km run,I got rank 2!! Which is A!! So, I got GOLD gor this year's NAPFA test! Yipee! But, my area of triangle test, I got a few wrong..... maybe need to retest.... =( NVM! What had passed, had passed! Last week, Mdm Maisarah asked me if I am comfortable to be in a dabate competition. When I first heard it, I was like,"HUH???WHAT???What is debate???" But I just said I'd like to join. Then, I asked my group what is debate. Then they told me someone will give me one topic and I need to talk ALOT of nonsense, if it is right or wrong. The longer, the better. But that was like oral discussion,(not picture) and when I ask Xiu Juan to comfirm, she said the exact thing! And she said she did it just last week on HMT class at 5C. So I thought maybe we are doing the same thing and I will have to do extra. But she nvr talk about it AGAIN so I began to worry, so, after class, I asked her. She said when the date gets near, she willtell me more about it. AND she said it is not in Elias Park Pri School. Then I thought again, so then competition is REAL! I am going to compete with other schools! I was sooo excited! NOT a SINGLE teacher before had asked me to join competitions! But debate is like oral, ande she told me after oral! So... I kinda have a feeling she saw my marks..... GOD I hope it is good! Now back to the real topic, the competition:
Mr. Wan said:
Winning isn't everything.Be a humble winner and gracious loser.
comments: Publish! I recommended you yo Mdm Maisarah. I've told Mdm Maisarah you were composed in presentation. That's important in a debate. She'll guide you through the debate. Don't worry... :)
posted by 6 Diligence at
I forgot to clean the classroom today after school,I will do it on monday (recess time)
By Andrew
posted by 6 Diligence at
Thursday, April 23, 2009 ; Hw
Maths WB Recall 6-6.3
Journal if you have not done
MT Hw if you have
posted by 6 Diligence at
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 ; Homework- 22/4
1) English worksheet pg 91-94
2) Journal
3) MT homework if you have
Thanks for your attention!
Credits: Yun ling, (Mdm Maisarah and Mr Wan - for giving the homeworks)
Have fun doing the homework! :)
posted by 6 Diligence at
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 ; homework
hello.... here is the homework:
1) EL ws pg 83~84, 85~88(this compre is only do MCQ!) AND! pg 95~97
Due:Wed 22 Apr 09
2) MA wb WHOLE unit 5
Due: Wed 22 Apr 09
3) Journal(If you want right now)
Due: Thu 23 Apr 09
4) MT??? dunno leh...
Due: dunno?
posted by 6 Diligence at
Monday, April 20, 2009 ; yiying's journal
OUCH!My stomach hurts all because of yesterday's NAPFA test .I did sit-ups and I believe many pupils have muscle cramps.I've only got bronze.HAHA,didn't practice well before the NAPFA test.Practising for my 1.6 fm run.My inclined pull-up is the worst,and thats the cause of me getting
BRONZE.I did 3 only.My hand hurts after doing it.My best is the sit and reach,and that's the only one a got an A.I must strive for my 1.6 km run >:( Anyways,both my oral exams are over!!!...but,that's not the end YET...still got the papers.My chinese teacher said I did well for my chinese oral.YAY! Just lucky that they did not have HMT oral.Speaking of that,I STILL HAVE TO TAKE HMT PAPERS! means that People taking HMT have to study more than the others.If I had known,I wouldn't go for HMT..HAHA
Labels: Yi Ying's Journal
posted by 6 Diligence at
Sorry Mr Wan for making the worst pencil holder in the class, our group should have co-operated and put in effort in making the pencil holder. When we knew that our pencil holder was quite bad, we should have tried to improve it instead of leaving it as it is. We must learn from the other groups like the group which have the best pencil holder. Next time we will try our best and put in more effort. We didn't have the best pencil holder because we didn't put in enough effort and doing it anyhow. Next time we will do a better job.
posted by 6 Diligence at
Sorry Mr Wan for not showing teamwork when doing the pencil holder and making the worst one in the class. We should have co-operated and put in more effort in doing it. We knew that it was not a good one but we just left it as it is. Instead, we should have tried to improve on it and make it better. We were also not as creative as other groups. We should follow how they did it and try our best to make one that is better than what we done today and we hope that you can forgive us this time.
posted by 6 Diligence at
; note !!!!
science monitors did not do their duty !!!! mr wan ask mii to post!!!!
posted by : sherrell >.<
posted by 6 Diligence at
Friday, April 17, 2009 ; Hitler to go under the hammer
This article is for Jia Yuan, who is a Hitler fan.
Hitler to go under the hammer
A series of watercolours by Adolf Hitler will be auctioned on April 23 in Shropshire, England. Expected to draw great interest, the works by the German dictator include a self-portrait of him sitting on a bridge (above). The signed works were found in 1945 by a British soldier who was stationed in Essen, Germany, at the time. They were then sold to a collector, who put them in his garage and forgot about them until now, said the Telegraph.

Posted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Thursday, April 16, 2009 ; I.F.D.
hiie! Wishing everyone a very very happy international frendship day! [ to everyone who sees this post [ including MR. WAN.... ] I know it is kinda early [ by 1 day ] but nvm.... better to be early then late !!! hehe...please wear P.E. tmr for sch dunn forget!!!! hehe...posted by : sherrell kongLabels: I.F.D.
posted by 6 Diligence at
; homework!
de hw 4 2dae is:
maths activity book, the 10 or 9 pgs.... [ by monday i think ]
[ i forgot.... and i am lazy to check ]
english synthesis, practice 6, 7 and 12....[ by monday ]
english comprehension practice 3 [ by monday ]
the pencil holder [ by monday ]
the art, international frendship day [ by monday ]
and please remember 2 wear P.E. attire tmr.... [ its international frendship day ! ]
posted by : sherrell
sorry i post the hw so late.... i forgot...
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Cbox (:
Okay um ..This is about the cbox, and I'm repeating it since you all don't seem to treat it seriously.Firstly, on the cbox, you can only post 3 messages in 30 minutes, unless you are in a conversation, whereas, is an exception. So. Squeeze all the things you want to say in a message, and thus you can still have 2 messages left. Kays, cbox is for you to chat, ask questions. Not for you to spam and say "Hi." ":D" ":D""Anyone there?" That is already 4 messages. So you might as well say "Hi, :D Anyone there? :D" I hope you all can say all your 'crap' in a message, so if others asks questions, their questions won't be flooded away in about 3 seconds.And, the comments. It is for questions too (: . Regarding the topic of the post. Like this post, you can comment, and ask questions here, if you don't intend to get your questions floded away. (Seriously recommended if you don't want your questions flooded away.) Yep, you may also want to squeeze everything inside a comment. Same as the cbox, you should keep it at about 3 comments in 30 minutes. But I don't think there's a limit in the comment, whereas cbox's limit is 200 characters.So um, that's about everything. I just want you guys to know that the cbox isn't a spamming system and we put it up there for you to ask your questions and such. I'll try to upgrade the cbox into a 'live' one, which will be updated immediately, so while you are typing, and if others are online, you would know who it is and see their questions immediately and respond (: Cbox education over. I know it's alot but .. I don't see you all keeping the '3 messages in 30 minutes' quota.Labels: cbox education.
posted by `[x] imLYDIA {: ♥ at
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 ; hw 4 2dae [ 15 april 2009 ]
hw 4 2dae....
maths activity book corrections if u hav....
science workbook to page 29 [ tmr ]
english ws [ tmr ]and synthesis booklet practice 6, 7 and 12 [ friday ]
brazil research [ tmr ]
make pencil holder [ monday ]
bring newspaper [ can dunn bring ]
+++ please bring the materials to decorate the brazil thing.... [ tmr ]
posted by : sherrell kong
posted by 6 Diligence at
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 ; Science Notes - Water Cycle
Dear 5 Diligence, These are the Science Notes on Water Cycle. I have also sent it to your LEAD e-mail. I cannot attach the table, so please refer to your e-mail (: Water Cycle
(Water Vapour)
Solid to Liquid – Melting (Heat gain) The surrounding or environment loses heat.
Liquid to Gas – Evaporation or Boiling (Heat gain) The surrounding or environment loses heat.
Gas to Liquid – Condensation (Heat loss) The object where the water vapour condenses on gains heat.
Liquid to Solid – Freezing (Heat loss) The surrounding or environment gains heat.
Heat Transfer:
- Heat gain
- Heat loss
-Energy can never disappear.
-Water becomes gas when boiling.
-Cold temperature slows down evaporation.
-Liquid does not condense.
Steam = Hot water vapour
Cassilda (:
Mr Wan :D
posted by 6 Diligence at
; hw
hw for 2dae !!! [ 14 april 2009 ]
maths: maths activity book, activity 4.5 + let's find out!
english: english w.s.
science: science workbook
mother tongue: dunn noe
+++nothin hehe
posted by : sherrell [ yay ! so happy NAPFA i get gold lalalalala >.< ]
posted by 6 Diligence at
Monday, April 13, 2009 ; homework for 13 april 2009
hiie ! this is todae's hw...
mr wan : maths activity book [ activity 4.4 ]
science activity book
mdm maisarah: dunn hav
+++++ yr chinese hw if hav +++++
+++++ social studies the international frendship dae the project 'bout brazil ++++++
+++++ bring $$$money$$$ for the young zoologist+++ [ try to giv mr wan a ten dollar note ]
wishing everyone good luck for napfa test!!!! [ i hope i get gold ] =] good luck to all of you !!!
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Return to OZ
Hi classmates, Yun Ling here again,theres a show called 'Return to Oz' on Saturday 7.30 pm, not sure if its on OKTO or Disney Channel.It sound so terrific! In the story the golden path or yellow path or wateve its called is broken.:'( Ahhh!!!!Please watch! It's gonna be SO COOL!!!Thanks for ur attention btw! :)
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Cool game I found!
Hi classmates, this is Yun Ling here.I just wanted to introduce this game called firewall i found in y8.the link is in my blog to reduce trouble of searching for the game.And PLEASE tag my blog while you're in it! >.<Hope you all enjoy it!!! Have fun and good luck for NAPFA test tomorrow! :)
posted by 6 Diligence at
; WHY my NAME on THE board
Mr Wan, my name on the board because i wanted 2 look at roys journal. it looked interesting so i asked him first. he kept quiet. i took it as a yes than i took it. then he complain.
FrOm, AmIeN( also none as alien)
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Why are the names on the board?
My name is on the board because when I was reading my journal,amien snatch it away.I shouted:"Oi!Don't take my journal!"Then Jonathon thought I was screaming so he write my name on the board.I told him what was happening but he say he don't care,and sherrell say:"Yak yak and yak."That is the reason how I got my name on the board. ROY TZH here! (added by Yun Ling)
Labels: apologises
posted by 6 Diligence at
; my name written
My name was on the board because i stand up.why i stand up, which u must be wondering now, just came back from mother togue and put my bag on the chair FIRST, which i usually do and also stand up to take out my pencilcase and put on the table and my name have NEVER been written on the white board until today.After that i put my bag on the floor.when i was about to sit down,Johnathan write my name on the board. i ask
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Why my name is on the board
My name was on the board because I stand up.Why I stand up?I just came back from my Mother Tongue class and I wanted to put my bag on the floor.Then I saw Andrew standing.I thought that he is waiting for Mr Wan to come.So I stood up.
Zhi Shuang
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Students of the Month (March)
These are the students who have done well in work, improved a lot and shown respect to friends and teachers:1) Cherilyn2) Yiying3) Michelle4) Xiu Juan5) Zi Jun6) Yun Ling7) Yu Rong8) Javon9) Brendon10) Esmond11) Ryan12) Zhi ShuangI must say I'm impressed by Brendon's efforts to do well and improve in attitude. Sadly, he didn't begin April well but has been coping fine so far.I'm also impressed by Zhi Shuang's consistent Number 1 ranking in Math and Yu Rong's great results and manners. I hope your friends will look up to both of you as examples to follow.May I add that although some of you are not in the list, I am equally impressed by efforts made, especially Hannah, De Kai and Sabrina who have tolerated Brendon's nonsense and led the team to be team of the month. I'm also impressed by Hazim who has improved tremendously since Jan. I remembered giving him an extremely stern warning. In April, I hope to see Azril transform that horrendous team of his to a great team. Azril has been doing a good job so far. I appreciate his efforts a lot. I also hope to see improvement in some of the pupils' manners. Also, some of you are just too playful.Regards,Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Saturday, April 11, 2009 ; Maths Textbook Answers for Fractions
Dear pupils,
These are the answers to the Math Fraction questions in the textbook that I've asked you to try on your own.

Posted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Thursday, April 9, 2009 ; homework
Here's the homework 4 today:
1) Yellow booklet do EVERYTHING!
Due: 13 April 09
2) Learn Maths test..(fraction)
Due: 13 April 09
3) MA wb part 1 do EVERYTHING!
Due: 13 April 09
4) MA wb part 2 do Recall 4 to 4.3
Due: Mon 13 April
GD luck for Monday's Maths test!!=)
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Edited Math Weekly Answers
Dear pupils,
I've edited the answers. Sorry for the errors.

Posted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 ; homework
here's the homework for today:
1)Journal (OPTIONAL)
Due: Thu 9 April
2) MA wb do everything including maths wb jounal
Due: Mon 13 April
3) Yellow booklet do every practice
Due: Mon 13 April
4) Unit 5 ws pg 65~66 and 78
Due: Thu 9 April
(pg 65 and 66 read textbook then do)
5) Homework for MT
6) Learn MT oral
Due: THU 9 April (GD LUCK!)
7) Learn Maths test (fractiion)
Due: Mon 13 April
Wish you all a very good luck in MT oral! Xp
posted by 6 Diligence at
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 ; homework
here's the homework for today:
1) Maths wb pg 93~102
Due: Wed 8 April
2) Maths Weekly
Due: Wed 8 April
3) Learn MT Oral
Due: Thu 9 April
I think that is all...
If I am wrong...
please edit!...
Thank you!!!!!!!
(P.S. The EL Oral exam soooooo hard! EL exam had just passed... now is 4 MT oral exam... I wish you alll a VERY GOOD LUCK!) (This is Michelle posting hw and this! :))
posted by 6 Diligence at
Monday, April 6, 2009 ; homework
here's the homework 4 today:
1) Maths Weekly
Due: Wed 8 April
2) Learn EL oral
Due: Tue 7 April
3) Sign NAPFA test form
Due: Tue 7 April
4) Sign the ICAS test
Due: Tue 7 April
5) Maths WB pg 93~102
Due: Wed 8 April
6) Your mother tongue class got homework?
Due: When your teacher say
I think there is no more....
Please edit if I'm wrong....
Thank you!!!!!
Since jonathan don't want to help
sometime... I will help him..
posted by 6 Diligence at
Saturday, April 4, 2009 ; Zhi Shuang's Journal entry. [OMG SO BIG]
This week, I had my Modular CCA. It is still department skills. I have learnt qquite a number of hygiene stuffs. I learnt that washing hair keeps hair healthily. I also learnt that cleanses are used to wash face, not to use soap when washing my face and never never use extremely hot/cold water to wash my face. I have also learnt that why our DM [Discipline Master] wants us to cut our nails. I think it is because he do not want us to get germs under our nails. Oh yeah! I missed out the most important point! He wants us to cut our nails because he do not want them to get long and untidy. But most importantly....... I had lots of fun this week!
Comments: Publish! Mouth is actually the area with the most no. of germs.
posted by Zi Jun at
; Zi Jun's Journal entry. :]
This week, I had animation as my modular CCA. It was fun. Me and my group made a story plot and too bad... Not using computer but nvr mind, bcoz Mr Wan thought us how to make animation and he revealed the secrets behind animators. =] We took a picture from the internet amd copy it into microsoft word. The picture I copied [or I can say everyone copied] is SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS. We edit it with the secret of edit points. But I make not very nice lar. But I am happy. Why? Because I helped alot of people who doesn't understand Mr Wan. =] The part I learnt the most is to press control [Ctrl] and press
4563button in order to move the 'circle' [or u can say shapes] bit by bit. This method very useful to me. TKS Mr Wan. :]For being IT monitors for dunno how many years.. [He He act like very clever, very experienced] first time I know this method.
Comments : Publish! Next week, it'll be layering -.-
posted by Zi Jun at
Friday, April 3, 2009 ; Justin's journal (my blks)
Good Morning! I want to talk about my blocks (houses). When I was born, I lived in blk 610 Pasir Ris. I had few friends there. When I was bored, I did not have many friends to play with. Only Daryl Lim from 5Peace (now). When I was P1, I shifted to blk 575 (actually rented). There were even lesser friends than blk 610. Only one. Hong Woon from 5Honesty. The house was so boring and small. The fan was rotating on top of me(roof) as I slept. Everyday, I would live in suspense and fear as I did not know whether the rotating fan would drop on me as I slept. That was the most hated house I ever shifted/rented to in my life. "Aha!" Now for the current and best house! Blk 581! Just opposite the school! There are so many friends around the block! Peh Shin, Ryan and Andrew! I usually play with them every week nowadays. I am still living in this block as I can't bear to shift away. If I ever shifted away, I would say, "BooHoo!" Okay, "Bye".
posted by 6 Diligence at
; michelle's journal
I just bought a new pen! AGAIN! I lost my pen in computer lab. So, I need to buy this new pen! I was thinking of crying when some things came to the rescue! Basketball, Music, and Oral!! Music, we are parted into two groups. The big instruments, and the small instruments! I was in the big instruments first and I chose the buckets! Need to carry! So heavy! But, it was so fun! Then, the small instrument! I chose the washing scrub! The teacher from the small instrument taught me a very important lesson today about music. The brain tells you what to play, but if you use your brain to play the instrument, it is just noise, you don't have musicality. The musicality is from the heart. The heart tells you what kind of expression you will be playing. Go deep into the song. I have learned a lot from this lesson. Basketball was not good but today I have learned to be a good sportsman. We lost today but after congratulating the other team, it feels like i was the one who wan. I felt very good and I was so happy! I really love oral, especially when it come to Show And Tell! Show And Tell can help us on reading passage and conversation. I said conversation because after we present, our classmates and Mdm Maisarah will ask us questions and we have to answer in proper English. I did not get picked today but she said I will present tomorrow. At day one, all the pupils thought it was boring and got stage fright. But, after Wei Song, Justin, Amien, Brendon, Ivan and Gerald presented, Mdm Maisarah asked who wants to perform on Day two, almost 3 quarter of the class (including me!) raised their hands up high, straight with enthusiastic and excitement. I really learned a lot from today!! :) HAHA! XP
Comments: Publish! You're the best presenter during APBL. Don't lose heart. You can do it!
posted by 6 Diligence at
; my journal
hi! i had fun this week. i have something to say..... last week, mr wan "lied" to the class that he is not going to teach our class but going to teach courage. i was kinda sad and angry. i was angry as he did not want to choose pur class, i thought. i was sad because if he goes, i can no longer pull pranks like saying ''hi''. mr wan is a very fun teacher though. i was oso kinda happie as i need not do maths, weekly come to school early...But at the end of school, he said "Happy April's Fool day" ! i was fooled. Mr wan said that if he pulled this prank on april's fool day, no one would believe i was so0ooo happy [that he is not going to quit teaching us][and i can continue pulling pranks on him] Yay! Mr wan may be fierce, but he is funny and good to pull pranks on. Although i disturb him, he doesnt mind! =) i am so happy. [ to have mr wan as my form teacher] mr wan oso cut hair this week, now he look like small boy boy! very cute! @_@ and on the first day i saw his new hair style , he was like wearing a popular uniform. [ red & black] =) i am soo happy! lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
Comments : Publish!!!!! Maybe i'm working part time in Popular hehe.....
Sherrell's Journal !!!!
please try to comment !!! hehehhehehe=]
posted by 6 Diligence at
; homework, 3 april 2009
here's 2dae's hw:
mdm maisarah: oral, comprehension booklet [ practice 2 ], grammar cloze [ practice 8 ], compre cloze [ practice 8 ], art thingy, no more....
mr wan: sci wb, maths wb pg 81-86, maths journal [ maths weekly ], and no more
+++++++++++= yr mt or cme hw if u hav.... haha
homework posted by : sherrell
reminder for jonathan: hI jONATHAN, next week yr turn t0 update hw and attendence board hahahaha..... [ yay! i no nid update hw anymore! ] [ ~so happy~ ] lalalalalalalalala..... hehe
alot of hw rite??? hehe..... haha... have a goodie good good weekend !!! hehe......
bye bye....
note: noel, yr doggie so cute! i think i put the picture of yr doggie as my computer wallpaper.... so cute !!! haha! =]
posted by 6 Diligence at
Thursday, April 2, 2009 ;
For those who liked da picture of my dog, it is at lead i send 2 da whole class k???
By:Noel lim;)
posted by 6 Diligence at
; homework
Here's the homework for today:
1)Do MA textbook pg 67~68, Q6~Q11 (on paper)
Due:Friday 3 April
2)Prepare Show and Tell (if need to)
Due:before oral exam
3) learn Oral picture 4 and passage 4
(Picture don't write script!)
Due:Friday 3 April
4)Yellow Booklet practice 6~7
(grammar cloze and Compre cloze)
Due:Fri 3 April
5) Art
Due: LATEST by Mon 6 April
6) PInk booklet(synthesis) bring tomorrow
(Haven't do yet? Do practice
I think it is all...
if I am wrong, write in cbox..
Thank you!
posted by 6 Diligence at
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 ; homework
Sorry 4 the delay of homework AGAIN!
1) practice the oral picture and passage
Due: Thu 2 April
2) Journal
Due: Thu 2 April
3) Maths weekly corrections
I think that is all............
If I'm wrong, write in cbox!
thank you!!!!!!!!
this is done by .............
posted by 6 Diligence at