Tuesday, March 31, 2009 ; homework!
hello!!!!!!!! sorry for the delay of homework..
1) Sign Science test
Due: Wed 1 April
2) Write the oral conlusion thingy(not so sure how to write)
Due: Wed 1 April
3) Anything for MT???
Due: what your teacher said
I think that is all...
if I'm wrong.........
Pls write in cbox..
Thank You!! :)
this is done by ..............
and also maths journal if not done yet
(This part by Hazim)
posted by 6 Diligence at
Monday, March 30, 2009 ; Homework!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the delay of homework...
1) Practice oral picture and passage
(Picture focusing on the conclusion)(Write a solid conclusion)
DUE:Tue 31 Mar
2) Do MA workbook 3.12~3.14
(3.14 is optional)(3.14 Q3andQ4 do branch method)
DUE: Tue 31 Mar
3)find out what's so special about the number 4 degree celsius
DUE: nest Sci lesson (Thu 2 April)
I think there is no more.....
If I'm wrong... write in cbox!!!
this is done by.......
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Journal
Hi! This my first time posting! This is what I wrote in my journal.
"3!2!1! Take off!" "Vroom!" The plane flew into the sky. In 7 hours we would reach Sydney. The games on the plane were fun but not as fun as the games on the A380. Once we reached Sydney, we rented a car and drove to the hotel.(Holiday Inn) The next day we went to Blue Mountain.(Believe me, it was the most scary and most exciting time of my life. So cold!.) We went to hike all over the mountain. Some places were really dangerous like the 'weeping rock'.(I almost fell there!) I knock my head pretty hard down there.(If you were to fall, then its goodbye.) We saw many kinds of animals while hiking. When we went to city, my father brought the whole family to the aquarium. There was a dugong, sharks, stingrays, sea turtle, crocodiles and many other sea creatures. I even saw them feed the dugong!(So cool!) Then we went to the Botanical Gardens. I saw trees filled with bats! At a pond, I fed the ducks, birds and even a morae eel!(So awesome! Not to mention, the duck bit me!) It was so fun! I even touched the morae eel!(So cool!) And Guess what? (What?) I brought back a venus flytrap!
Written by: Javon
posted by 6 Diligence at
Sunday, March 29, 2009 ; famous people
28.Julius Caesar
33.King William(Kaiser)
39.William Shakespeare
De Kai
posted by 6 Diligence at
Friday, March 27, 2009 ; Esmond's journal
After a long and tiring trip to Xi'an, I have finally returned back to Singapore. In Xi'an, we visited several places of interest, like The Big Wild Goose Pagoda and The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Museum. In the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, I learnt that the pagoda was built after Xuan Zang returned with his scriptures. All the scriptures were kept in the pagoda. The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Museum is built in the Qin Dynasty and it is very big. There are 3 pits in there:Pit number 1 is the biggest and has the most warriors and horses, pit number 2 is not big and not small but medium and pit number 3 is the smallest, has the least warriors and horses but the most important. The most exciting night or day was on 14 March 2009, Saturday when we visited the Tang Paradise. We watched 2 movies on the sea and 1 firecracker performance, but after that we played a sort of see-saw thing and we all ran about while some people shake the 'see-saw' by moving to the left then right. It was so fun! A cold night became a hot one to us after that.
Comments: Publish! Xi'an seems pretty rich in Chinese culture.
posted by 6 Diligence at
; famous people
15.Fidel Castro!6.Marlon Brando
17.Yasser Arrafat
24.Nelson Mandela
posted by 6 Diligence at
; HW
My turn to post hw. veri long nvr post hw le so:
Maths Weekly
Synthesis Focus Prac. 5 13 14 15
Unit 4 PG 57
Prac. for oral LC book prac.1
posted by 6 Diligence at
Thursday, March 26, 2009 ; Read Me !
Hi Classmates,
I'm Yun Ling.
Please read the articles on the NE board when you are free.
As Cherilyn and I have took some time to put it up, please do not waste our efforts.
I have highlighted some important points, not very accurate though.
Hope to see you reading!
Have a nice day!
posted by 6 Diligence at
; famous people
4.vladimir lenin
6.bill clinton
8.margaret thatcher
9.bruce lee
13.napoleon bonaparte
thats the first few i know i guess
posted by 6 Diligence at
; why my name is written on the board again
my name is written on th board because i said yi wei sounds like yi wen. Ok thats all. Jia Yuan also did the same thing, he acted like he wanted to punch me again.
from Gerald=D
posted by 6 Diligence at
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 ;
u see when i realize that G*****(this is done to protect identity)name is written on the board,i wanted to taupok him because he made our group - points.He is lucky I did not chucked him onto the ground n squash him.Then they came, write my name just because I taupok him.Hi yah, life is always cruel.
Yours truly,
Foo Jia Yuan=D
posted by 6 Diligence at
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 ; why my name is written on the board
Today, me and jia yuan's name is on the board because i heard ivan say azuril azzarela cheese(mozzelela cheese.) So i laughed and said "haha ! AZZARELA CHEESE!" Then jonathan wrote my name on the board. After he wrote my name on the board, jia yuan go and stand up and acted like he wanted to punch me because he knew that our group is going to minus points. then jonathan also wrote his name on the board.
from gerald=D
posted by 6 Diligence at
Monday, March 23, 2009 ; HW
Yep, Im posting again -.-
Oh Well....
Maths WB Activity 3.10-3.11
English WS Pg 47-48
Finish purple booklet by Friday
Thats All
posted by 6 Diligence at
Saturday, March 21, 2009 ; Famous People
How many famous people can you spot below?
(Click on picture to enlarge)

Write your answers in the "comments" based on the numbers below.
For the thrill of this game,
please limit your answers to 5 people/numbers and let others have fun too!

Posted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 ; skyret
posted by 6 Diligence at
; How to do Maths TB PG 57
Mr Wan, for the question 2,3,4,5 on TB PG 57 how to do cross simplify?
P.S. Must make into improper fraction right? I did but still did not get the caculator answer....... PLZ ANSWER IF YOU SEE THIS
By: Jonathan
posted by 6 Diligence at
; HW
Maths WB Redo all wrong questions
Maths TB PG 57 on fullscap with statement and number statement+cross simplify
posted by 6 Diligence at
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ; HW
Maths WB 3.8 3.9
posted by 6 Diligence at
Monday, March 9, 2009 ; HW
Holiday HW:
Maths Walk(All page)
Maths Weekly
Purple and Yellow booklet
Nothing Else i think..........
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Canteen Performance
I'm impressed by their seriousness in the performance.

Beatrice plays her piece as friends give moral support.

Ivan concentrates on his play.

Gerald demonstrates how he earned praises from teachers.
Fans turning up for the performance. No signatures please :PPosted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Sunday, March 8, 2009 ; Group of the Month - February
Congratulations to Red Sea!

Red Sea members posing proudly in front of "Prize".

Esmond and Wei Song possessed by either Power Rangers or Ultramen.

Passers-by joining the celebration.

Passers-by who went bananas.
Prize opening!Posted by Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
; Students of the Month (February)
Dear pupils,
These are the students of the month:
1) Cherilyn Tam Kai Ling and Ng Yun Ling
For working hard during Total Defence Day as NE Monitors. Will need your help again on International Friendship Day.
2) Claudia Aw Yan Qin
For leading Red Sea to their first win and offering volunteer parents' help. Some teachers said you looked smart in scout's uniform but this has nothing to do with "Student of the Month" award.
3) Hsieh Ming Hsuan Michelle
For being the best presenter in 5D. Natural in speaking and good body language and posture.
4) Ng Pei Yun, Beatrice
For leading Pacific 4 with enthusiasm and performing beautiful pieces of music in the canteen.
5) Sherrell Kong Xin Yin and Jonathan Wong Zhi En
For selfless contributions as Class Monitors. Thank you for giving me reminders.
6) Wong Yu Rong
For assisting Hazim improve and guiding him as a leader, helping to put up the Student Leader Chart, updating the Fish Bait Board and providing me timely reminders.
7) Cheow Wei Da Nicholas
For setting up IT and AV equipment efficiently and always asking me on my needs for AV equipment.
8) Foo Jia Yuan and Tjan Wei Song
For coming up with a fine system that would penalise late returns. I'll reward you again if you can come up with a system to attract people to borrow without spending money hehehe.
9) Gerald Lee Jie Ren
For performing in the canteen, earning the praise of teachers for playing the piano and improving your behaviour in class compared to January. Keep it up!
10) Justin Yip Jia En
For getting parent volunteer for Road Safety Park and Total Defence Day speech (at least your parent tried) and also being a good role model for your group during APBL (They improved a lot on Friday!).
11) Lim Chuang Yi, Ivan
For being a very impartial prefect in nabbing your own classmates, playing several beautiful piano pieces in the canteen and getting your dad to present on Total Defence Day. You're an impressive prefect!
12) Loh Yi Ze
For getting a third place in the Elias Cup match. You're a goal predator.
13) Muhammad Hazim B Hairanudin
For improving in your work TREMENDOUSLY compared to January and coping well as a group leader. You've exceeded my expectation for February and I think you owed a lot to Yu Rong.
14) Yeo Zhi Shuang
For being the BEST in mathematics for the month of February and leading Jaws really well. That was a close fight you guys gave in February! Jaws, you simply marvelled the class!
For March Student of the Month, these additional conditions have to be fulfilled:
1) Top 25 ranks for Math and Science Tests
2) Did not land in Fish Bait Board for that month
3) Never late during assembly
Do your best in March!
Mr Wan
posted by Allan at
Yesterday, I went with my parents to changi village. We went there to have dinner. I have been llooking forward to having carrot cake and hokkien mee but it was still within the fifteen days chinese new year celebration so both carrot cake shops was closed. The good thing is there are two shops selling drinks in a huge cup for seventy cents only! The shop that was open was the shop I always patronise every time I come. They sell grass jelly, coconut drink and the pineapple drink. Last sunday, one of my friend invited me to their open house and see a lion dance. In the end, the lions did not come. They called to say they could not make it by 2.30p.m. but only 4.00p.m. By that time, all the children's parents arrived I think the lions this year are very lazy.
By Nicholas
posted by Zi Jun at
My CCA is chinese orchestra on tuesday it was first lesson this year... The chinese orchestra teachers have planned a chinese new year concert. But too bad i just joined 5 months ago so i will not be able to take part. I was quite disappointed. Luckily I was appointed Av Monitoer which made me feel happy. My duty is to setup the projector for the teachers. I enjoy working with Justin Yip as av monitor. I always ensure that I wear my badge. The first day I was not sure of the buttons and controls therefore I had to keep on trying until i fugured out. Now I have learnt the controls but I did not find myself perfect.
By: Nicholas
posted by Zi Jun at
; APBL finally ended!!!!!!!!!
I feel happy and relieved because APBL is finally over!Yeah!I am also proud of my team because we did very well and scored full maeks for contents.I remembered that when all the APBL groups rehearsed on Thursday.Xiu Juan put too much animation I callibrate like crazy.I think we also did very bad.We also forgotten to remove the hyperlink,so when I callibrate the slide kept on going to google.I also like Sherell's group presentation.They interact with each other at the beggining of the presentation.I am impressed with them.I hope next year APBL will be easier than this year!
Beatrice Ng
posted by 6 Diligence at
Saturday, March 7, 2009 ;
PLz comment on da idea I gave u guyz.............K???? Let me know if u wanna change da idea hors..................
posted by 6 Diligence at
; journal
PE, PE. I am sick of it. All the same old sports 0% of fun all so LAME! By the way GOOD NEWS! ABPL CAME TO THE rescue. The problem for this year is: The plants at Hortus Eliascus are not growing well despite of having gardeners talking care of them. The water transportation is also working well. My group’s main plan is to use recycle plastic cardboard to serve like a shed. I also found out a lot of new things like different plants need different amount of water and water. I also found out that the temperature is too hot for the plants. And some has been watered too much. Also most plants were overcrowding and had to fight for sunlight, water, space & nutrients to make food. All this may cause for the plants at Hortus Eliascus to wither and die.
done by : Jin Jie
Labels: journal
posted by 6 Diligence at
Friday, March 6, 2009 ;
Plz note that whoever wan 2 add points 4 da Math WB stamps thingy, u guyz can approach me or leave me a note on tuesday after CCA. Best is 2 leave me a note because after CCA is Mdm maisarahs class.K????
If u can try 2 approach roy 2.........
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Homework
Hi! Here's the hw!
maths: maths weekly! ( next wed pass up....i think )
science: study 4 test ( u dun wan study oso can.... onli will get a chance of not passing...
english: the march holiday hw----- yellow booklet, prac 3 to 5, purple booklet, prac 3 to 5 ( both the front and back of the booklet, prac 3 to 5 ) ( cloze passage must highlight the clue for the answers )
chinese or cme hw if u hav...
posted by sherrell
posted by 6 Diligence at
visit my website @www.nicabc.webs.com
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Esmond's Journal
Next Wednesday, I will be going to Xi'an with my friends and some teachers. We will be having lessons with the Xi Shi Fu Xiao students, looking at The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses museum, The Shanxi history museum, The City Wall and last but not least The Big Wild Goose Pagoda. We will be going with 5 teachers. They are Mrs Han, Mrs Ng, Mr Ang, Mdm Rashidah and Mdm Xi. We will also be singing 2 songs for the Xi Shi Fu Xiao students. One is 'Chan Mali Chan' and the other is 'One United People'. We will be singing the first verse of 'One United People' in Chinese and the other two in English. We have to reach the airport at 8.10am on 11 March 2009 at Terminal 3. The plane will depart at 10.10am to Shanghai and we will need to wait for 4 hours before departing for Xi'an. We will reach Shanghai at 3.10pm and depart for Xi'an at 7.10pm and will reach at 9.30pm if there is no delay. The flight when we come back is even worse! It's a night flight! The plane will depart for Shanghai at 8.10pm and will reach Shanghai at 9.40pm. Before flying to Singapore, we would need to wait for 2 hours and 10 minutes. I wonder what we will do at this transfer time. Then, the plane will depart Shanghai at 11.50pm and will reach Sinapore at 5am early in the morning on 20 March 2009. It is my first time going overseas myself without my parents and first time experiencing a weather of 5 to 15 degree Celcius. I hope that there would be smowflakes to play with when I am there. I look forward this trip and hope it would be an enjoyable one. Time move to 11 March now so that I can leave!!!Comments: Publish! You look really ready for the Xi'an trip.
posted by 6 Diligence at
Thursday, March 5, 2009 ; late
today i was late because i went to the hall with my bag and i was not late yet but when i was about to put my bag on the floor and sit down next to Sherrell, i noticed that everyone had put their bag in the classroom first.then i thought that we were allowed to put our bags in the hall so we would not be considered late, but then Sherrell said that i must put my bag in the classroom first.so i went back to the classroom to put my bag down.then i started walking to the hall wondering why some classes don't have to put their bags in their classroom.when i reached the hall i realised that i was late.that is why i was late.
posted by 6 Diligence at
; hw
homework 5 march 09
maths weekly ( hand in next week)
sign files ( maths and english file )(tmr hand up)
+++++english compo apbl corrections .... i not sure if need or not?!++++++
and march holiday hw is :
english: yellow booklet, prac 3, 4 and 5, Purple booklet, prac 3, 4 and 5
++++ CME or MT homework if u have !++++
bye bye!!
posted by: sherrell
posted by 6 Diligence at
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 ; HW
Missed out journal
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Homework
Here's is the homework for today
Mind map on human's body (5/3/09)
and mother toungue homework if you have
Posted by Zi Jun (bcoz sherrell computer spoilt.)
posted by Zi Jun at
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 ; Class Stuff
Hi! For the group points thing....the GROUP LEADERS are suppose to email to mr wan bout which numbers are missing... if yr group does not have any missing numbers, u will still have to email to mr wan that yr group have no missing numbers!!! yr email to mr wan must include group name and number (eg. group 5 jaws ) and if yr group hav missing no. (eg. i hav missing no./ i dun hav missing no.) and which no. yr group is missing if u hav missing no. (eg. 9, 3 , 6 , 2) and the no. of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 0 (eg. i hav two number 3 missing)and for the class library, if you overdue a book, u will hav to pay 10 cents to either Jia Yuan or Wei Song and then, either Jia Yuan or Wei Song will pass the amount of money$$$$ collected to mr wan and mr wan will keep the money!!! $$$ Just Kidding ! Mr wan will use the money for class decoration and other needs for the class !!! ThAnk yoU !!! bYE!!Posted By : Sherrell bYE bYE !!!~~~~
posted by 6 Diligence at
; homework
- Yellow booklet, prac 3-5 only front part(holiday hw)
- purple booklet, prac 3-5 (holiday hw)
- anti drug compo(tmr pass up )
maths weekly week 8 and 6 tmr pass up
mind map (human thingy)
posted by 6 Diligence at
Sorry, mr Wan for whistled in class and I would
not do it again. I have reflected about what I
have done. I felt miserable about it.I have done
the wrong thing in the wrong time.Now I know
that whistling could irritate somebody.But sometimes,we need time to repent
Labels: apologise
posted by 6 Diligence at
Monday, March 2, 2009 ; Homework
Roughly posting today's homework.Assigned today :English - Drug Essay amendments, Cloze booklet Grammer 1 & 2 - 03/03/09Science - Mind map on Reproduction on Humans, read textbook pg 24-29 - 05/03/09Assigned previous days ago :English - Spelling, Blue booklet ( Check all meanings please ) and Purple booklets both 1 & 2 - 03/03/09Maths - Maths Weekly ( two of them ), Math Workbook pg 87-92 - 04/03/09 and 03/03/09Mother Tongue homework if you have :D
I guess that's all.Lydia .
posted by `[x] imLYDIA {: ♥ at
; Note
To : Monitor / monitressPlease ensure that the homework will be up maybe... before 4p.m.Sorry, I know that I am giving trouble to you to set a time limit... But many of your friends (including me) are waiting for the homework to be updated in the blog... If that person like me, wants to double check the homework, and if you put the homework up late maybe in the night, and later we missed out one homework, and the person has to sleep, and then homework haven't yet finish... We will be recieving a good scolding the next day!Thank YouPosted by Zi Jun
posted by Zi Jun at
Sunday, March 1, 2009 ;
To ensure NO spamming, I'm not going to put back the cbox but I'm going to put the link, so you won't just visit the blog and spam ;phttp://fivediligence2009.cbox.ws not sure if it's correct though.
posted by `[x] imLYDIA {: ♥ at