Friday, January 30, 2009 ; why i was late on Thursday
Hi Mr Wan.
I am sorry for being late on Thursday. I woke up very late. Next time, I will try to reach school earlier than 7.20am. At this point, I would like to clarify with you that I actually reached the hall near 7.20am, though I know you were already there earlier than me. I respect your decision to determine that I was late, and this is the reason I wrote this blog entry to apologize.
Regards, Gerald
Labels: Late for school
posted by 6 Diligence at
Does who own Mr Wan a blog entry must do by next week *the day starts with W you know:p
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Homework
Sorry ah, I went to class monitor training just got back. So this is the homework:
Maths WB 2.4 ONLY
Deadline on Monday 2/2/09
Journal but no need do so early
Deadline on Thursday 5/2/09
erm...... i dunno liao leh..
Oh ya GET READY FOR.....
A Maths test...... lols but target from mrwan is 28/30 leh so better study!!
BY THE MONITOR OF THIS CLASS! Just so u wan to know it is Jonathan:D
posted by 6 Diligence at
Dear Mr Wan,
Sry for not following your method of doing the problem sums.
I did not really pay much attention that time at the com lab.
posted by 6 Diligence at
Thursday, January 29, 2009 ;
Sorry Mr Wan
I wanted to show the date to my maid so that she knows that I will not be home on that day. But forgotten to tear the reply slip. It will not happen again.
Loh Yi Ze
posted by 6 Diligence at
Sorry Mr Wan
I did not hear you carefully, when we were at the lab.
I promise that it will not happen again
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Home Work
Sorry forgot!
MUST design journal or else u cannot pass up the journal ☻
posted by 6 Diligence at
Homework in!
Journal for those of you that did not hand up today
Deadline: 30/1/09
Bring transparent cups (3)
Deadline: 2/2/09
Maths worksheet corrections
Deadline: tmr lah!lols anyway date is 30/1/09
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Math workbook
Mr Wan ,
sorry that i did not follow your steps. For the Maths Workbook.I did not listen clearly at the
computer lab . I will be more careful in the future.
-Jin Jie-
posted by 6 Diligence at
; 29 January
I will not be late from now on.I was late for school today.I will be at school by 7.20a.m.I will be punctual in whatever I do.If I am late again I would write a reflection.
Peh Shin
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Maths workbook
Mr Wan,
The reason I did not follow your steps for the maths workbook is because I missed what you said at the computer lab.Sorry:P
posted by 6 Diligence at
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 ; homework
Sorry.... I Forgot to post one more homework which is:
Health Education Project
due date : next health education lesson
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Homework
28 January 2009
Maths Workbook Activity 2.3
Due Date : 29 January 2009
Due Date : 29 January 2009
English W.S. Comprehension
Due Date : 29 January 2009
Maths Textbook Pg. 9
Due Date : 29 January 2009
Maths W.S.
Due Date : 29 January 2009
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Homework
Maths Activity WB Unit 2.3 Deadline:29/1/09
Maths TB Pg.9 Deadline:29/1/09
Maths Worksheet Pg.2 Deadline:29/1/09
HE project on how germs multiplyDeadline:4/2/09
D haha
posted by 6 Diligence at
Saturday, January 24, 2009 ; Partial Solar Eclipse on 26 Jan 2009
Dear pupils,
You can view the partial eclipse on 26 Jan in Singapore from around 4.30pm to 7pm.

Posted by Mr Wan
posted by 6 Diligence at
; CNY Pictures
Dear pupils,
Here are some of the pictures Mdm Lee took during CNY celebrations.

Posted by Mr Wan
posted by 6 Diligence at
Friday, January 23, 2009 ; Homework
23 Jan 2009
English Situational Writing ( E-mail ) ( if you did not finish in school )
Due Date : Wednesday, 28 Jan 2009 ( if I am not wrong )
Post By : Sherrell Kong ! =)
posted by 6 Diligence at
Thursday, January 22, 2009 ; Intesresting flowers

Its called the passion fuit flower.
Look at more...Labels: flower
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Homework
22 Jan 2009
Maths Workbook Activity 2.1 & 2.2 and ALL the corrections !!!
Due Date : 23 Jan 2009
English Worksheet Pg 17 - 20 and ALL the corrections!!! ( If u didn't finish in school )
Due Date : 23 Jan 2009
Posted By : Sherrell Kong !! =)
posted by 6 Diligence at
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 ;
Devil frog
Scientists on Monday announced the discovery in northwestern Madagascar of a bulky amphibian dubbed the "devil frog" that lived 65 million to 70 million years ago and was so nasty it may have eaten newborn dinosaurs.
This brute was larger than any frog living today and may be the biggest frog ever to have existed. Its name, Beelzebufo ampinga, came from Beelzebub, the Greek for devil, and bufo -- Latin for toad. Ampinga means "shield," named for an armor-like part of its anatomy. Beelzebufo (pronounced bee-el-zeh-boof-oh) was 16 inches (41 cm) long and weighed an estimated 10 pounds (4.5 kg).
It was powerfully built and possessed a very wide mouth and powerful jaws. It probably didn't dine daintily. It's not outside the realm of possibility that Beelzebufo took down lizards and mammals and smaller frogs, and even -- considering its size -- possibly hatchling dinosaurs.
Even though it lived far away, Beelzebufo appears to be closely related to a group of frogs that live today in South America. They are nicknamed "Pac-Man" frogs due to their huge mouths. Some have little horns on their heads, and the scientists think Beelzebufo also may have had horns -- a fitting touch for the "devil frog." Beelzebufo was bigger than any of its South American kin or any other living frog The largest one today is the goliath frog of West Africa, up to 12.5 inches (32 cm) long and 7.2 pounds (3.3 kg).
The presence of Beelzebufo in Madagascar and its modern relatives in South America is the latest sign a long-lost land bridge once may have linked Madagascar to Antarctica -- much warmer then -- and South America, the scientists said. That would have let animals move overland among those land masses. Fossils have been found of other animals in Madagascar from Beelzebufo's time similar to South American ones.
The first frogs appeared about 180 million years ago, and their basic body plan has remained unchanged. Beelzebufo lived during the Cretaceous Period at the end of the age of dinosaurs, which went extinct along with many other types of animals 65 million years ago when a huge space rock clobbered Earth. Beelzebufo did not live an aquatic lifestyle, hopping among lily pads, the scientists said. Instead, it lived in a semi-arid environment and may have hunted like its modern-day relatives, which camouflage themselves and jump out at prey. Its first fragmentary fossils were found in 1993, and the scientists have since assembled enough fragments to piece its remains together like a jigsaw puzzle, Krause said. While it was the king of frogs, Beelzebufo is not the largest amphibian ever to have lived. Many reached truly astounding dimensions, such as the crocodile-like Prionosuchus that grew to an estimated 30 feet (9 metres) during the Permian Period, which ended about 250 million years ago.
THIS VERY VERY LONG PASSAGE posted by Yun Ling Help From Chong Yi
posted by 6 Diligence at
Dynamic Dolphins
Dolphins are mammals that live in oceans all over the world. They often live in big groups. They are some of the most intelligent animals in the sea kingdom. Most dolphins are gray, black or brown above and pale below.
Home Sweet Home
Dolphins usually live in warm parts of seas, oceans and rivers. The common dolphin and the bottlenose dolphins live in the seas and inhabit rivers. Some dolphins like the Mahi-mahi and Dorado live mainly in fresh waters in South America and Asia.
Friendly Families
Dolphins stay together in schools (groups). They hunt in schools too. They hunt for common fishes like mackerel. They use sonar (send sound and bounce back from prey to know how far they are and were) to hunt. They play together too! And do you know that they can communicate?
It has been said that dolphins can save your life! There were some incidents of drowning, where dolphins saved the people and when one of the dolphins is a trap or ill, they will help it.
Protection of Porpoises
Rumors said that dolphins have healing abilities. Wonder if that is true?! Do not catch a dolphin. It is bad and it is illegal. That is the same as pollution. Remember, dolphins are lifesavers and they are our friends.
Posted by Yun Ling, help from brother, Chong Yi
posted by 6 Diligence at
Health Education : Chart (If you got save in thumbdrive)
Due Date : 28 Jan 09! Yipee
MOre????? Got alot one lah..............
Actually got no more homework! yea!
Bla bla bla! this post is not done by the monitors..... for helping jonathan. I am MIchelle! hello!
POst by:michelle hsieh(7)
posted by 6 Diligence at
; October Champs!
In my opinion, this is the most creative bunch of pupils for photo posing!

Posted by Mr Wan
posted by 6 Diligence at
; no need
I will be more attentive in school.when mr wan asks us to do things, i will do itimmediately.Iwill not waste any time to do it.If i do not do it,i will stay back after school/stay back during recess to write a reflection .
posted by 6 Diligence at
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 ; Journal
Right, those who has the word "Publish" on your journals, please post on the blog to earn 50 points :D .
So I'm posting the first one now ._.
# Skips intro .
On the first day of school, I was so anxious and scared that I couldn't wake up in time for school . I was also anxious to know who my form teacher is . On the first day of school, our teacher made us laugh alot and we played some games . I was appointed to be the IT Monitor, and so I have to set up a class blog with Zi Jun and keep it running . I love the Ham and Cheese which we played yesterday . Our class won the title of the " Strongest Butt " with 36 wins . Like who wants that ? The boys all won at least once ! >;l . It's so fun, but I hopped until my legs were painful . I only landed lightly, so it looks like sliding . I really enjoyed it ( I mean the game, not the pain ) . Then we proceeded to Dog and Bone, it was so squeezy . I got to run twice only, how pathetic ! But it was loads of fun, again .
Editted .
Lydia .
By the way, thanks Jonathan for reminding me the homework .
posted by `[x] imLYDIA {: ♥ at
; Home Work
Todays homework is:
HE(not given today)
Deadline: 21/1/09
Work: Hand in survey with the Excel printed out
Deadline: 21/1/09
Work: EL worksheet pages 15-16
Little Red Dot (only if subscribed)
Deadline: 21/1/09
Work: Maths Excersise Page 1
Deadline 22/1/09
Work: Journal(every week write 1 entry)
Deadline: 21/1/09
Work: Write Register Number on the right top side.
I guess thats all? If I missed out something please login and add the missed homework
-Jonathan Out
posted by 6 Diligence at
Monday, January 19, 2009 ; Reproduction in Plants
Dear 5 Diligence,I'm uploading the rest of the slides. I'll also be directing 5 Courage pupils to this blog to download the slides.Please click on the pictures below to view them at a larger scale.

Posted by Mr Wan
posted by 6 Diligence at
; Questions on Reproduction in Flowers
To check your understanding so far, are you able to:1) State and describe the functions of both the male parts and female parts of the flower.2) Describe the importance of cross-pollination.3) Describe the processes of both pollination and fertilisation.4) Describe the methods of pollination.5) Describe what happens to the flower after fertilisation.Let me know if you need help in any of the above questions.Regards,Mr Wan
posted by 6 Diligence at
Sunday, January 18, 2009 ; Parts of the Flower
Dear 5 Diligence,I'm posting this picture in case someone wanted to copy the notes but did not manage to. Posted by Mr Wan
posted by 6 Diligence at
Monday, January 12, 2009 ;
Hahaha!I know the password,
username and everything maybe :D
BOO...Life is miserable under Mr Wan
Goodbye :'(
posted by 6 Diligence at
Saturday, January 10, 2009 ; Strongest Butt in EPPS ?!
Eeeeks !
Mr Wan >;lGo put Strongest Butt in Elias Park 2009 for what ?! ;xNot meaning to be rude though ...It's too ... , anyways, where to publish the journal post ?
Here ?Lydia .
posted by `[x] imLYDIA {: ♥ at
; StrOnGesT buTT in ELiAs PArK 2009
Great blog you've created there, Lydia and Zi Jun! :) The colour's fine. It's hard to get a colour both boys and girls like anyway. Yellow and light blue are not bad choices either if you insist on changes.
I shall post my first entry for the class blog. Quite a title 5D does not want to know anyway hehehe.
Nevertheless, a victory well won!
Hold your hands! I'm picking that 50-cent coin on the floor!
I'm going to use two "paper" to wrap your "stone".
Look at the long queue waiting to date the girl on the chair...
David vs Goliath... Goliath is trying to move off the chair.
Amien using his secretly trained "Invisible Hand" in the game.
Posted by Mr Wan
posted by 6 Diligence at
Thursday, January 8, 2009 ;
Hi there everyone... Hope you will like this blog... IT Monitors will help keep the blog updated more often... Tag on the tagboard MORE often too! HAPPY 2009 !!!p ZiJun
posted by 6 Diligence at
Any links to link ?
Please tag at the cbox if you wish to be linked :DHope everyone can contribute to this blog .Thanks .And the Class Committee is currently unavailable .I have to check out the class position first .Soon we'll update it .
Be patient ;l .Lydia .
posted by `[x] imLYDIA {: ♥ at